On Combinatorial Game Theory

$$\gdef\game#1#2{\left\{#1 \,\middle|\, #2\right\}}$$ $$\gdef\impgame#1{\left\{#1 \,\middle|\, #1\right\}}$$ $$\gdef\star{\mathord{\ast}}$$ $$\gdef\up{\mathord{\uparrow}}$$ $$\gdef\down{\mathord{\downarrow}}$$ $$\gdef\doubleup{\mathord{\Uparrow}}$$ $$\gdef\doubledown{\mathord{\Downarrow}}$$ $$\gdef\tiny#1{\pmb{\boldsymbol{+}}_{#1}}$$ $$\gdef\miny#1{\pmb{\boldsymbol{-}}_{#1}}$$
“Games lubricate the body and the mind.”
Benjamin Franklin


This is a series that will attempt to go through the field of Combinatorial Game Theory in depth, requiring as little mathematical background as possible. If you’ve watched the Hackenbush video, you know how deep this rabbit hole goes. This series will follow a similar path to that video, but will be more thorough.

That video and this series are both based on the four-volume series Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays by Conway, Berlekamp, and Guy. Readers among you who have already read these texts should still stick around, of course. In my time reading through that book, as amazing an introduction as it may be, I’ve felt at times that it went a bit fast. This series will try not to go too quick for its own good.

Another note for readers of Winning Ways: There are some bits of convention in that book that I’m ignoring because I don’t think they’re very good from a pedagogical standpoint. If you haven’t read or don’t want to read the books, you can safely skip over this bit. A list of such is as follows, and may be expanded as the series progresses:

I also have some people to thank. Some of these people have made other texts and resources that are helpful to me as I write this and will likely be helpful to you in turn if you wish to go further than I have taught you:


An extremely large thank you goes out to the writers of a handful of very very comprehensive and useful texts:

I also have some other thanks to give to people who have not written any texts or made any videos on CGT, but have been influential nonetheless:

And, of course, no matter how cheesy it may sound:

With that out of the way, let’s get to it!

Part 1 - Games 101
Part 2 - You Can't Say It's Only A Half
Part 3 - What's Really Going On Here
Part 4 - The Name of the Game
Part 5 - Sea of Stars
Part 6 - The Garden of Zero
Appendix ✱ - Miscellaneous Definitons and Lemmas